Friday 10 April 2009

Eerks-does the truth matter?

Think for a while. People always demand NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, right? Don’t be surprised when I tell you that…in certain aspects of our lives, it’s better that we DON’T know the truth. We prefer to stand by what we believe to be true, but what we believe is not necessarily the truth. This thought occurred to me just now.The fact that I always have good thoughts about dat made me blame myself for what happened.It just some sensible issues…Come to think about it, it could be that it was only me who thought and believed so – HOW SURE WAS I? The truth is still out there, whether or not it’s in my favour.IT could be the TRUTH, ya know. Yes, since this is in my past, can I give it a little leeway? Can I ignore what the TRUTH might be? If the truth is against me, IMAGINE what would I feel, RIGHT NOW. Can I just shut the door of curiosity and end all these question marks? No matter what the truth is, it’s all behind me, right? To know the truth ONLY NOW will still hurt me deeply if it’s something against what I have always believed ever since. So, CAN I JUST IGNORE THE TRUTH, GUYS? CAN I CHOOSE NOT TO KNOW THE TRUTH? Because only this way that I can lay my mind at rest and think that everything is okay since the last time I attended this matter in my head. Can I refuse to know more about the weaknesses? YES I CAN, BECAUSE I DECIDE SO. I won’t make my life harder. Now you understand what I mean, right? If you’re in this situation right now, you know that THE TRUTH DOESN’T COUNT THAT MUCH ANYMORE. I just want to look forward and feel good about this life. What is good will remain good to me, even if it takes me a little bit of lies here and there. I DON’T CARE and for that to happen, maybe I should just be happy for who I am and who I have in my life. If it’s good, then it’s good. I don’t want ANY BITTER TRUTH to change that. ---- ok ok'

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