Tuesday 21 April 2009

Miss Violet's Drink and Chuck Taylors

If you ever find yourself in Canberra for some uninteresting reason i.e. a general excursion to site see the Parliament House or visiting long lost relatives or to hang out with the kids at Questacon (the fun equivalent of school)…
Don’t fret, Canberra is rich in hidden treasures. With a keen eye for gold you’ll find some recession-friendly treasures.

I bought these silver, low-cut chuck taylors for a mere $65.00, they are rrp $120.00. Chuck Taylors are a classic, everyone has a pair (or 2 or more) and come in handy for those stressful exam days when comfort calls and polished effort can wait!...

My cherished silvers... and considering the price and the economic climate- more than happy to purchase :)

If you, like me bought last months (March 09) Vogue , *to do the lusting after things I can’t afford ritual. You would have come across “HIGH STREET SUPPLEMENT” section and perused carefully just to see what might sparkle some interest…

There on the final page featured glittery in a navy blue are the sequenced chuck taylors for this season, the title “Twinkle Toes”- the rrp $120.00- recession friendly indeed. However the exact same pair are selling in Canberra for a kinder $85.00.
Purely for avid Chuck fans, and fashionistas alike...

Ever thought what a love potion would taste like? *maybe the kind Romeo and Juliet drank out of love $ desperation... In the midst of the popular restaurant strip, is this sweet little café- Caffe Essen . It can be easily overlooked, but if spotted- the café’s smoothy entitled “LOVE” is not to be missed

LOVE ingredients – blueberries, raspberries, honey, milk and ice-cream. The size of the drink is more than enough for two! and is perfect for love birds...
the beautiful thing about the drink is the shade, why... it's Violet ofcourse...

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