Monday 30 March 2009

March Style Tips

1)Wild colors are super fun exspecially with mini skirts and dresses. Add a cute long and colorful top to your outfit and you are set to look fantastic.

See how it just blends in. I love it!

They keep coming out with more and more colors. The more colors there are the more outfits it goes with.

I love long shirts. They can be so fun and they just work and as a plus are super comfy.

2)Okay so as the weather gets warmer and summer nears everyone is loking for the new cut. Short and straight won the contest so enjoy your new look.

3)Even though winter is leaving and spring is on its way, scarves still seem to have all the rage as they did in winter. Now they are thin and small pieces of colorful material to finish your everyday outfits.

4)Flats and Flip-Flops and super fun and extremely comfy for long days. They come in tons of colors and loads of different styles.

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