Saturday 28 March 2009

Top Five Beauty Products. For Realsies.

Friends don't let friends wear Crocs. It's true. Unless your friend works on a boat and has a bad case of hyperhidrosis in his/her feet whereby normal shoe wearing is a safety hazard, a gentle nudge towards less visually offensive footwear is a sign of true friendship. Along similar lines, friends don't let friends pay $75 for a miracle face cream (with the same ingredients as $1.99 baby lotion) that claims to tighten/brighten/clarify/deliver the complexion of a goddess.
What better way to start this blog that sharing the Top Five Beauty Products I'd recommend to any friend? According to my humble view, friends DEFINITELY let friends purchase the following essential products.

1. Bare Minerals by Bare Esentuals.

I know. Everybody raves about it. Everybody writes reviews on the Sephora website about how Bare Minerals changed their lives and how they will never be the same. Whenever I see a bunch of fantastic reviews, I also worry that a product won't live up to the hype. Truth is, this stuff really is wonderful. After wearing liquid foundation, the product felt so refreshing and clean on my skin. I was surprised to see that it did hide all my imperfections and didn't leave that false covered-up finish. The powder foundation can be adjusted for different levels of coverage and the mineral veil just seals and cuts back on the shine. Although it's not cheap, this stuff will last you for months and you only need the tiniest little bit. Love love love.

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