J.M.J. + O.B.T. + M.G.R.*
The Christmas story is so familiar to us that we are apt to take it for granted. It is worth our while to step back for a moment to consider this truth, this singular event, in a new way—to ponder the blueprint that describes how God willed for His Son to be birthed into the human family.
As I have suggested in the past, if we try to relate from God's perspective (with Trinitarian eyes) we see the manifestation of Light, Life and Love in the Fullness of Truth.
Consider the Bethlehem Star as the Direction, the sight of the Face of the Child Jesus as the Destination and the Selfless Devotion of Mary and Joseph as the willed Decision. There is no chronology attached to this triad, each element is compenetrated with the other two for they are meant to work together.
Navigators look to the light of the North Star to determine True Direction
Destination in the original Latin literally means the place for life's fate/doom
The only choice that makes sense is the willed Decision to Love.
In our own lives we have must consider the Blessed Mother, The Star of the Sea as the Direction and Eternal Life in Jesus Christ in Heaven as the Destination and The Two Great Commandments of the Gospel, Love God and Love your neighbor as the willed Decision.
From this we see the genesis of Imitate Mary, Become like Jesus, Live for the Triune God.
In his World Youth Day 2009 address Pope Benedict XVI provides the final word:
Most of all, Mary intercedes for us and leads us through the darkness of our trials to the radiant dawn of an encounter with the Risen Christ. I would like to conclude this message, my dear young friends, with a beautiful and well-known prayer by Saint Bernard that was inspired by one of Mary’s titles, Stella Maris, Star of the Sea: “You who amid the constant upheavals of this life find yourself more often tossed about by storms than standing on firm ground, do not turn your eyes from the brightness of this Star, if you would not be overwhelmed by boisterous waves. If the winds of temptations rise, if you fall among the rocks of tribulations, look up at the Star, call on Mary … In dangers, in distress, in perplexities, think on Mary, call on Mary … Following her, you will never go astray; when you implore her aid, you will never yield to despair; thinking on her, you will not err; under her patronage you will never wander; beneath her protection you will not fear; she being your guide, you will not weary; with her assistance, you will arrive safely in the port” (Homilies in Praise of the Virgin Mother, 2:17).
Mary, Star of the Sea, we ask you to guide the young people of the whole world to an encounter with your Divine Son Jesus. Be the celestial guardian of their fidelity to the Gospel and of their hope.
Sincerely yours in Jesus and Mary,
Mike Rizzio, SOLT
Imitate Mary
Become like Jesus
Live for the Triune God
Seek the Light of Our Lord Jesus Christ
See you on the High Ground!
* - J.M.J. + O.B.T. + M.G.R. stands for: Jesus, Mary and Joseph;
O Beata Trinitas; St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael
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